Artificial Intelligence (AI) capabilities have developed rapidly, allowing us to do more than we ever thought possible. After numerous meetings with customers of all sizes over the past few months, we’ve learned that in order to implement AI successfully, organizations are seeking to address these questions:

  • “What can I do at this moment to help prepare myself and my organization for successful adoption of these impressive new capabilities?”
  • “Am I putting the correct systems in place to make sure I am focused and delivering on the most meaningful scenarios for my organization or team?”
  • How can I establish effective risk controls in my applications to protect data and responsibly integrate AI?”

We’ve also seen patterns emerge and learned that the companies most successfully leveraging AI today are prioritizing five pillars of AI success to transform their business:

5 Key Pillars of AI Success

  1. Business Strategy: Clearly defined and prioritized business objectives, use cases, and the measurement of AI value.
  2. Technology Strategy: An AI-ready application and data platform architecture creates parameters for build vs. buy decisions and plans for where to host data and applications to optimize outcomes.
  3. AI Strategy and Experience: Applying the right models to the most appropriate use cases is paramount on the path to AI success within an enterprise.
  4. Organization and Culture: Strong leadership and knowing where you are currently in your AI journey is key to unfolding a successful AI-driven transformation.
  5. AI Governance: Trust, risk management, and the responsible use of AI needs to be built by design into processes and applications for successful implementation.

Let’s take look at each of these areas.

Business Strategy: One of the biggest drivers of AI success is the degree to which an organization aligns their objectives to the strategy and then prioritizes AI use cases and considers how it will be measured. Rather than asking what AI can do, start with examining what are you trying to achieve with your business and explore how AI can help.

Technology Strategy: The pace of AI innovation is fast, so you need to choose an application and data platform architecture that can keep pace with your organization’s requirements. Your choice will determine the technologies you need and whether you’ll buy a prebuilt solution or build something yourself or use a combination.

AI Strategy and Experience: We’ve also learned through our conversations with business leaders that customer focus is imperative, and a systematic AI strategy and experience are essential for success. Paramount here is applying the right model to the right use case and application, so you can extend the capabilities across your entire organization.

Organization and Culture: As exciting as AI and technology is, your business and people need to be ready for it. Before deploying any technology it’s important to assess your organization and culture and their appetite for new technologies. Defining a clear AI operating model, understanding data readiness, and having strong leadership support and the right change management process in place are essential. It’s also about ensuring effective relationships with many different subject matter experts so that learnings can be shared and dispersed quickly.

AI Governance: What we can achieve with AI depends on its responsible development and use, which includes trust, security, risk management, and privacy. Organizations exploring AI for their business should apply processes, controls, and accountability structures in order to govern data privacy, security, and ensure the responsible use of AI.

At Mesmerise, we guide companies through successfully and safely powering their AI transformation in several ways:

  • We provide business leaders with an unbiased perspective to enhance productivity and creativity.
  • We help deliver transformational experiences through modernization, leveraging existing applications, or building new ones with a foundation of trust and security.
  • We ensure AI development is rooted in safety and responsibility, guided by an ethical control framework.

Our commitment to clients’ success includes ensuring AI technologies are created and deployed safely and responsibly. Recognizing the uniqueness of each organization, we understand that AI is a key differentiator for future success. The companies successfully leveraging AI today prioritize the five key pillars of AI success we’ve outlined. We are here to partner with you and empower you and your organization as you navigate the exciting and ever evolving world of AI. Learn more about our Discovery & Design process and how we’re helping put Enterprise AI to work.

About the author: These customer insights were gathered by Danny Haydon, Head of Customer Engagement. Connect with him on LinkedIn to keep up with the latest solutions for Enterprise AI success.